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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-859

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Page content

INDEX CCVll PAGE Sanitary Inspectors Class 287 Sanitary Science 168 Saturday morning classes for Teachers 221 Scholarships and Prizes Rules 48 Arts 74 Evening Classes 212 Medical 225 School 374 Science 121 Theological 68 Scholarships Endowed- Daniell 475 Forest 376 Inglis 378 463 Rabbeth 487 Sambrooke 378 461 466 473 474 Warneford 476 Worsley 461 Scholarships Unendowed- Medical 483 488 School Mathematical 378 School King's College 364 Annual Prizes 386 Army Class 367 Boarding Houses 373 Books 373 Dinner Arrangements &c 371 Entrance Scholarships 383 Examinations 371 Extra Classes 368 Fees 372 General Arrangements 365 General Rules 370 Gymnasium 367 Holiday Classes 368 London University Matri- culation 367 Masters' Names 364 Names of Pupils 645 Private Tuition 366 368 Regulations forenteringColl 373 Residence of Boarders 373 Rules as to Admission 369 Scholarships Exhibitions 374-383 Special Prizes 384 Terminal Prizes 390 Vacations 371 School of Art 345 School of Modem Oriental Studies 81 Science Faculty- Annual Class Certificates 509 Associateship Rules for the 451 453 Cert in Engineering &c 457 Curricula 124 Engineering Architecture and Applied Sciences Division 122 Engineering Society 529 page Science Faculty continued Fees 126-129 Museums 53 Names of Students 630-647 Natural Science Division 121 Preliminary Certificates in Engineering 456 Prizemen 607 Professors'Names 36-38 Regulations 123 Scholarships Exhibitions and Prizes 121 Student Demonstrators 4G9 Syllabus of Lectures- Engineering Division 157 Natural Science Division 130 Time Tables- Engineering Division 201 General 196-199 Natural Science Div 206-209 Evening 200 Science Scholarships and Exhi- bitions See Clothworkers' Co Secondary Schools Dept Train- ing Teachers 78 Secretary Name of 25 Secretary's Office Hours 45 Siemens' Medal and Prize- Endowment Appendix xxvii Rules 505 Skin Diseases 251 Skinners' Company Exhibition- School 380 Societies College 5S Society of Education 528 Solicitors' Inter Exam 105 Spanish Evening Class 98 Special Donations Appendix lv Specifications and Estimates 168 Staff- Arts Faculty 33 Civil Service Dept 41 391 393 396 398 Ladies' Dept 41 Medical Faculty 39 Names of Past 532 Names of Present 26-30 Science Faculty 36-38 School 42 364 Theological Faculty 32 State Medicine- Instruction 284 Laboratories 279 Stephen Prize- Endowment Appendix xxiv Regulations 504 Strand School 392 Students' Rooms 55 Boxes 56 Names 630-647
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