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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-858

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Page content

CCV1 INDEX page Physical Laboratory 134 53 Physician's Assistant- Names of 272 Physician-Ace Assist Namesof 272 Regulations 261 26S Physiology 145 235 Evening Classes 147 Plumbers' Company's Classes 290 Plumptre Prize- Endowment Appendix xxvii Rules 499 Political Economy 100 Post-mortem Clerk 271 Practical Chemistry 139 Practical Chemistry Evening Classes 142 Practical Pharmacy 243 Prelim Arts Exam Med Dep 223 Preliminary Certificate in En- gineering fcc 456 Prelim Science Exam 125 255 Primary Ex Course 25G Principal Name of 25 Principals Names of Past 532 Principal and Staff 26-30 Prizes Annual Rules 4S-49 Carpenters' See Special Index Cates Medal 508 Class 515 520 Classical Professor 503 Clothworkers' See Special Index Dogmatic Theology 496 Early English Text Society 505 German Professor 503 Head Master's 385 Leitner 498 le Maistre 505 Wordsworth 497 Prizes Endowed 494 Barry 385 500 514 519 Brewer 504 Carter 503 507 Drew 502 Jelf Medal 501 513 519 Jelf Prize 496 Leathes 509 McCaul 495 Maclear 3S4 Plumptre 499 Siemens 505 Stephen 504 Tanner 513 Tennant 506 Todd 512 Trench 494 Warneford 510 page Prize Winners 607 Professional Practice Archi- tects 168 Professorships &c Endowed- Banking Gilbart Appendix xxx Chinese Language xxix Commerce xxxi Economic Science Tooke xxix Professors Names of Past 532 Professors Lecturers &a Names of- Arts Faculty 33 Civil Service Department 41 Engineering Division 37 Ladies' Department 41 Medical Faculty 39 Natural Science Division 36 School 42 Theological Faculty 32 Psychological Medicine 241 Public Health Department 281 Advanced Instructions for Plumbers 290 General Course 281 Laboratory 282 Practical Sanitary Work 284 Sanitary Inspectors Instruc- tion 287 Special Classes 286 State Medicine 284 Public Reading and Speaking 108 Quantity Surveying 168 172 Queen's Scholars 79 Rabbeth Scholarship- Endowment Appendix xxvii Rules 487 Report Annual Appendix xli Residence of Students- In College 55 In Private Families 55 Pupils of School 369 373 Rules 521 Resident Medical Officers 261 274 Rules for Students 46-50 Scholarships Prizes 4S Salomons' Scholarship 475 Salters' Company's Exhibition- School 379 Sambrooke Registrarships- Endowment Appendix xxv Names of Registrars 260 Regulations 258 Sambrooke Exhibitions- Arts Faculty 466 Endowment Appendix xxiii Engineering Div 474 Medical Faculty 482 Natural Science Div 473 School 378 Theological Facul ty 461
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