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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-854

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Page content

1 ecu Boxes for Books Gowns &c 56 Brewer Prize- Endowment Appendix xxvi Regulations 504 Building Construction 165 170 Bj Laws Appendix xviii Calendar for 1899-1900 5-20 Candidates Class Theological 67 Carpenters' Company's Prizes &c Day Classes 508 Evening Classes 518 Carter Prizes- Endowment Appendix xxiii Rules 503 507 Cates Medal 508 Central Board Examination Theological 61 Certificates College 509 Certificates Engineering &c 457 Chapel Attendance 46 Chemical Laboratory 140 Chemistry- Arts Faculty 112 Engineering Division 187 Evening Classes 145 Medical Faculty 237 Natural Science Division 137 Chemistry Practical 139 Chemistry Analytical and Ex- peri mental 140 Chemistry Professional Study 141 Chinese Professorship- Endowment Appendix xxix Chinese Language 91 Christian Union 531 Civil Engineering 179 Evening Class 182 Civil Service Department 391 Div Strand School 392 Evening Classes 3P6 Correspondence Classes 39S Div II Evening Classes 403 Correspondence Classes 407 Div III Female Appoint- ments 408 List of Successes 413-422 Civil Service Club 412 Class Certificates and Prizes- Arts and Science 509 Medicine 515 Evening Classes 520 Classical Professor's Prizes 503 Clinical Instruction at 249 Clinical Medicine 249 Clinical Midwifery 250 Clinical Surgery 249 Clinical Clerks 263 Ciothworkers' Company- Exhibitions Day Classes 471 Prizes Art 509 Prizes Evening Classes 516 Prizes Workshop 517 College Certificates 509 College Societies 58 526 College Staff 26 32-42 Commerce Professorship- Endowment Appendix xxxi Commerce and Commercial Law 103 Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology Department 151 247 Conjoint Board Examination 256 Constructional Drawing 172 Council Names of the 24 Crookshank Laboratory- Endowment Appendix xxviii Curricula- Arts 75 Engineering Architectureand Applied Sciences Div 124 Natural Science Div 124 Theological 63 Daniell Scholarship- Endowment Appendix xxiv Regulations 475 Dates of Term 1899-1900 Day Classes Civil Service 392 Day Training College 79 Time Table 119 Dean Medical Department Hours of Attendance fec 224 Dental Surgery 252 Department of Public Health 281 Dining Hall 56 Diseases of Throat 251 Diseases of Skin 251 Diseases of Women and Children 243 Distinctions University fcc 590 Divinity- Engineering Division 157 Faculty of Arts 87 Medical Faculty 234 Natural Science Division 130 Dogmatic Theology- Lectures 59 71 Prize 496 Donors Names FirstClass App xxxiii Second Class Appendix xxxix Drawing Faculty of Arts 106 Drawing Freehand and Geo- metrical 106 187 Dressers 264 26$
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