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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-853

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Page content

CC1 INDEX page Academical Dress 46 Academical Year 44 Accident Dresser 265 Act of Parliament Appendix iii Age of Admission 47 Anaesthetics 251 Analytical Chemistry 140 Anatomy 234 Ancient History 90 Anglo-Saxon 92 Animal Biology 147 237 Annual Prizes- College rules 49 School 386 Annual Prize Distribution 607 Annual Report Appendix xli Appendices Applied Sciences Department See Science Faculty Architectural Division See Science Faculty Architecture 164 Architecture History of 167 170 Architectural Studio 167 171 Architectural Modelling 168 Architectural Museum 53 169 Architecture Evening Classes 170 Art Prizes 509 Arts Faculty- Associateship Rules for the 449 Curricula 75 Day Training College 79 Department for Teachers for Secondary Schools 78 Exhibitions and Prizes 74 Fees 85-86 Matriculation Class London University Day 76 Evening 115 Names of Students 630 Oriental Section 81 Prizemen 608 Professors'Names 33 Reg respecting Students 73 Syllabus of Lectures 87 115 Time Tables 116 120 PAGE Assistant House Physicians- Names of 274 Regulations 265 Assistant House Accoucheur- Names of 274 Regulations 269 Associates- Names of 558 Privileges of 449 Associateship Rules forthe- Arts Faculty 450 Engineering Division 453 Ladies Department 860 Medical Faculty 454 Natural Science Division 451 Theological Faculty 450 Athletic Club 58 Attendance at Lectures 47 Auditors names of 25 Aural Dressers 265 Aural Surgery 251 Bacteriological Laboratory 151 248 Bacteriology- Bacteriology of Fermentation 153 Clinical Bacteriology 156 Colonial Medical Officers 151 Complete Practical Course 153 Courses 153 Laboratory Courses 152 Medical Faculty 247 Medical Students' Course 156 Original Research 152 Post-Graduate Courses 153 Private Study 153 Banking Lectures 102 Barrv Prize- Endowment Appendix xxvii Regulations School 385 College 500 514 519 Benefactions List of Appendix xxiv Bequest Form of Appendix xxxii Berridge Benefaction Appendix xxviii Biology Animal 147 237 Biology Vegetable 149 239 Botany and Veg Biology- Arts Faculty 114 Evening Classes 150 Medical Faculty 239 Natural Science Division 149 15 3h
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