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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-851

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FACULTY OF MEDICINE cxcix Draw and describe transverse section of hydra earthworm the stem of flowering plant State what you know of the Amoeba and of amoeboid movements in the white corpuscles of the blood Compare the brain of the fish with that of the frog Enumerate the cranial nerves in the latter animal giving briefly the functions of each Cfjemt 3tr2 Why is hydric sulphide said to be reducing agent and bromine to be an oxidising agent Give examples of their actions as such Give short description of the experiments conducted by Lavoisier for the isolation and identification of oxygen gas What are the chief sources of potassium salts Describe method of preparing caustic potash Give examples of the following normal salt an acid salt basic salt dibasic acid and diacid base Show how the following substances may be derived from ethyl alcohol acetone acetic anhydride ethylamine acetamide What are the principal properties of the group ot phenols How do they differ from alcohols on the one hand and acids on the other In Physics the paper was the same as for the Sambrooke Exhibition seep cxcvii There ivcre also Examinations in Practical Work
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