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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-849

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FACULT OF MEDICINE cxcvii he is more learned than his brother-he is more learned than just Give the infinitive and second person singular of the present and imperfect indicative of geba$t- getragen-gefyalten- gef$tenen getot$en-gelegen- fcerloren-gefpro$en-gefprungen-getreten Show by short examples what cases are governed by the following prepositions Do any of them govern two cases anftatt-feit-burd -in-jn -Όοχ-gegemi&er-auf Form adverbs from the following words £ag -$unft- tunbe-SWunb-redbt-Mirtb-ganj-ί 0φ Batijemattcs See Engineering Entrance Exhibitions page clxvi SAMBROOKE MEDICAL EXHIBITION The same papers as for the Clothioorhers' Science Exhibition in Chemistry Botany Zoology see pp clxx-clxxiii and for Mathematics see clxvi Pastes Define momentum and kinetic energy gun which weighs 25 tons fires projectile of cwt with velocity of 2000 feet per second Find the velocity of recoil of the gun and the kinetic energy of the gun of the projectile Describe an accurate method of finding the specific gravity of liquid piece of glass of density grms per cubic centimetre is immersed in liquid of density 12 and is found to weigh grms What would be its weight in air
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