Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 830
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clxxviii FACULTY OF MEDICINE VL- atK τ Γ י lit ן ן Γ ί Τ 17 ן fliif VI Describe fully the pathological anatomy of croupous pneumonia giving the macro- and micro-scopical appearances in each stage at ν Πί π What are the varieties of cirrhosis of the liver Describe the macro- and micro-scopical appearances of each varietyi Under what circumstances may lead poisoning occur Describe the symptoms and mention any tests by which you would examine for the presence of lead in articles of food or drink What is the legal position of the medical man as regards professional confidences statements made to him "in confidence by his patients You are called to examine female who has made an accusation of rape Describe in detail your mode of pro- i44i 41 lit '' ΙΓν יי cedurei How would you form an opinion in cases of bruises wounds and fractures as to whether they were inflicted before or after death β What are the various forms of Amentia and the legal responsibilities attaching to each What points would help you in deciding whether child had been born alive or not hm rlJllDflJ no ban hsuniiao-j iimov ifiOI hnr SECOND YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZE Τ ί Ο ί 11' 11 "t ft ן Ft ft Ο Γ Γ ίΤלי Ο tjl7 4111 -&natomu Describe the relations and vascular supply of the Thyroid body cmoiieq Give the course of the right phrenic nerve 3i What are the anterior relations of the right kidney Describe the ankle joint
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