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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-826

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cl 3dY FACULTY OF MEDICINE ן CTavtcv Jivijc for Botany 'Describe the chief forms of י reserve food material' found in vegetable cells Describe the structure and development of typical Dicotyledon vascular bundle What effect has light upon plant Compare the processes of Transpiration Assimilation and Respiration What are the factors which influence each Describe in detail the oophyte generation of flowering plant Describe briefly the sporophyte generation of Selaginella Describe six structural modifications of leaf due to י adaptation to environment י י יי יי -יי iV paper was also set with Practical work in Botany וי 11 fill Li י י ר ו filler λ λ ζ τ ν י י τ י υ ι Α ν ν י λ τ β of 4tttfrttfttc JGSfclifli £1 10 Will bd SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES י ψ י- Vi li 4-w ylJ ניJL- ν vי -JMetftcmc Note -Prescriptions without abbreviations should form part of the answers to Questions and Give an account of Ulcerative Colitisv to include the symptoms diagnosis prognosis morbid anatomy and treat- ment 't What are the physical signs and symptoms of Cardiac dilatations occurring as sequel of an acute febrile illness How would you treat such case
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