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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-813

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FACULTY OF SCIENCE clxi Post and Principal Rafter δ between Queen Post and Tie Beam between Principal Rafter and Tie Beam 13 Draw foot the lower part of Hammer beam Roof naming the various parts 14 State in few words the principle on which steel Roof Trusses are designed and sketch in outline the truss you would adopt for span of 56 feet 15 Draw full size three of the connections to the above Roof showing clearly the section and connection of each part 01 f1 0i 16 What sanitary precautions would you take in erecting dwelling house on flat site composed of alluvial deposit and liable to be flooded from an adjacent river What is the object of damp-proof course Give examples of different kinds and state the advantages or disadvantages of each 17 Draw £1 foot plan and two sections of manhole showing the disconnecting trap to sewer and with two branch drains falling into main pipe 18 State with sketches what precautions you would take to prevent damp from penetrating through basement walls down chimney stacks through external walls in exposed situations methods 19 Specify and sketch foot your requirements for laying portion of in drain from an ordinary dwelling house with best method of jointing &c with 4" gulley trap at one end to take rainwater pipe 20 Sketch to large scale the following grease trap an open slipper pipe taking various wastes the joint between lead soil pipe and the earthenware drain &tometrt'cal Sra&ung Draw scale of to measure yards feet and diagonally inches and indicate on it distance of yds ft inches Draw circle of 75 radius Consider it section of sphere of diameter Complete the plan and elevatjoa of sphere so cut
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