Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 810
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clviii FACULTY OF SCIENCE You have synchronous alternate current motor driven by Generator of about equal size Explain what effect the variation of the motor excitation has upon phase of current in the line 53 ui tiring ConStvuctton FIRST YEAR JV0i more 15 questions to be attempted Draw 1" foot an elevation and section of ashlar walling feet thick with brick backing State shortly the points to be observed in the bedding of stonework with Φ β sketches ί ז nihta י- יי Draw 1" foot an example of walls as follows squared rubble coursed δ random rubble uncoursed regular coursed rubble Sketch an example of the following joints used in masonry dowelled joint δ joggled joint metal cramp and state your preference for either VJ$ Sketch to large size the following an apex stone kneeler saddle-back coping sunk weathered and throated sill Define bond in brickwork and show by sketches defects often found in walls Describe briefly the special points to be aimed at in building brick wall from the foundation upwards Draw J" to Γ section of brick wall 12 feet high with proper footings &c Define with sketches quoin-squint quoin-bird's mouth-string course-corbels-jamb Define an arch Sketch i'' foot an arch 12 feet span in wall brick thick and mark thereon the names of the various parts including the surroundings Draw full size two courses of wall in English bond bricks thick in Λ Draw an elevation and section through the head of an opening feet span in brick wall with brick reveal showing how the back portion is carried 10 Define lapping fishing and scarfing and draw full size simple example of 6ach
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