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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-800

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Cxlviil FACULTY OF SCIENCE You are required to cut right-handed screw of 11 threads to the inch The leading screw is right-handed and has threads to inch What wheels would you use Given specimen of mild steel how would you find experimentally the value of Young's Modulus is found that bar of steel 10" long elongates Ό03" under stress of 10 000 lbs in2 Calculate Ε and Shew that the resilience of material depends upon its volume The elastic limit of piece of mild steel is 16 tons in2 Calculate the total resilience of bar of such steel square section and 20 inches long What would be the resilience of bar twice the length and f'xf" square section 10 What is an epicyclic train What would be the velocity ratio of the following train and what would be the direction of motion of the last wheel relatively to the arm
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