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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-783

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FACULTY OF SCIENCE CXXX1 THIRD YEAR Explain the difference between "sensible heat" and latent heat What are the general effects of heating body Specify these effects when water is heated from to when an iron bar is heated in air when gas is heated in cylinder fitted with movable piston Describe and illustrate by diagram the form of the isothermals of substance which can exist partly in the liquid and partly in the gaseous state Hence explain what is meant by the critical state What are the necessary conditions fulfilled in cycle performed by an engine of maximum efficiency Explain shortly the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the term availability of energy Show from general principles that the specific heat of gas at constant pressure is greater than that at constant volume How may the ratio of the specific heats be determined from experiments on the velocity of sound in gases Explain the use of the platinum thermometer and of the thermoelectric couple in the measurement of temperature How is the resistance to compression of body con- ×™ Pi ×™ nected with Young's modulus for that body How does the molecular constitution of solid account for "the limits of elasticity "permanent set and "elastic fatigue FIRST YEAR Explain clearly why different masses should acquire the same velocity in the same time when falling in vacuo Why does feather or leaf fall more slowly in air than piece of metal Describe the construction of balance intended for very accurate weighings Explain the methods of counterpoise
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