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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-696

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xliv REPORT and satisfactory condition Professor Duffin after very long period of faithful and invaluable service to the College and Hospital has resigned his chair of Medicine and the post of Physician to the Hospital where his clinical teaching will be greatly missed He becomes Emeritus Professor and Consulting Physician to the Hospital Dr Phillips be- comes Physician and Messrs Burghard and Carless Surgeons to the Hospital by seniority Dr Raymond Crawfurd has been elected Assistant-Physician Mr Cadman in re cognition of his long and valuable services as Demonstrator in Anatomy has since the close of the year been accorded the title of Lecturer in Applied Anatomy It is hoped that the Anatomical Department will gain greatly improved accommodation as soon as the Physiological Department can be provided with its new quarters Acting upon recommendations submitted by the Medical Board the Council have made numerous improvements in the organisation of the Medical Faculty among which there should be specially mentioned the creation of assistant posts in the Ophthalmic Aural Dermatological and Dental Depart- ments of the Hospital Since the close of the year under review some of the newly-created offices have been filled Mr Cargill has been elected Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon Mr Cheatle Assistant Aural Surgeon and Dr Arthur Whitfield Assistant Physician in charge of the Skin Department The rotation of the resident medical appointments has also been revised third House-Pbysician being added The Department of Public Health continues to flourish The need of increased accommodation will shortly be met by the assignment to the Department of the present Drawing Office new Drawing Office will be erected over the Engineering Laboratory Mr Cresacre Moor late Demonstrator in this Depart- ment has resigned in order to accept public appointment in the West of England Mr Russell Sc has been appointed in his place and Dr Cartwright has been ap- pointed Assistant-Demonstrator The work of the Ladies' Department is proceeding most successfully The number of Students in Lent Term 1899
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