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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-694

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Xlil REPORT higher than it was year ago when our Queers Scholars secured greater number of First Classes than any other like College The Council have to deplore the deaths of Professor Almario Rumsey whose great eminence as jurist conferred distinc- tion upon the Chair of Indian Law which he held for twenty years and of General Ardagh who has long held the Chair of Burmese In the Faculty of Science Natural Science Division the number of Matriculated Students is still very small but the number of non-Matriculated Students during the year was very large The somewhat smaller number shown in the Table at the end of this Report is due partly to casual fluctu- ation in the Lent Term partly to the smaller number of special technical courses given in connection with the County Council Grant partly to the careful elimination of Students whose names are on the books but who for one or another reason were not in attendance in Lent Term The latter cause the result of renewed care to calculate our numbers on the most stringent system operates in the other Departments also Non-Matriculated Students are especially numerous in Chemistry Physiology and Bac- teriology The recent action of the Colonial Office in recog- nising the College as an Institution where qualifying course in Bacteriology may be taken by Candidates to be selected for medical appointments in tropical countries will doubtless still further augment the attendance in the future The Phy- siological and Bacteriological Departments are both seriously hampered by inadequate accommodation for their advanced Students and the Council have decided to obtain the exten- sion and improvements which are essential if recent progress is to be maintained in the future by means of new buildings as soon as funds can be raised for the purpose sum of about J10 000 will it is calculated be required for this object and the Council make an urgent appeal to all friends of the College to aid them in carrying out this most important work without delay Four Students have proceeded to the degree of Sc in the London University At the Intermediate Examination but of three Candidates two passed one with honours in
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