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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-693

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REPORT xli REPORT presented to the ANNUAL COURT of MEMBERS of KING'S COLLEGE on Friday May Wth 1899 The Council present to the Members of the College the following Report of highly satisfactory year's work in all departments In the Theological Faculty the gross numbers show an in- crease the only exception being in the morning Matriculated Class where an unusually heavy exodus of Students who completed their course last year has told and owing in part to the increased stringency of the Entrance Examination prescribed by the Bishops has not yet been made up The result of this is to increase the importance of the Preliminary Classes the numbers of which are well maintained Since the close of the year under review the Faculty and the College have sustained severe loss in the death of the Bev McCaul who was elected to Fellow- ship so lately as last June Mr MoCaul was most efficient and conscientious teacher of Hebrew and Latin and had during period of office longer than that of any existing Member of the Staff greatly endeared himself to Students and Colleagues alike In the Faculty of Arts the number of Matriculated Students continues small but the standard of work is satisfactory The Queen's Scholars are somewhat fewer than last year owing to the fact that none of this class have been able to afford third year's study The Normal Department was in- spected as usual last summer by one of Inspectors of Training Colleges He observed at his visit The Col- lege is doing well for its Queen's Scholars the Education Department is getting value and more than value for its II grants In the last public Examination for Teachers' Certificates King's College stands third in Part fourth in Part II but the proportion of First Classes gained by our Students is φ
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