Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 624
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Page content
G20 PRIZE LIST NATURAL SCIENCE DIVISION i&ecommenfctij for the associates Lupton William Everanl Sdjolarsijtps antj ilvljtbitione Given by the Clothworkers' Company Science Exhibi- Wright Arthur tion Senior pectal ri c0 Jelf Medal Hinks Edward Barry Divinity Wright Arthur Botany Prize Druniinond James Francis Montagu tfcrtifiratcs Mathematics 3rd year Lupton William Everard Cert vf 2nd year Wright Arthur Cert of Drummond James Francil Montagu Cert of Practical Physics 3rd year ninks Edward Cert of 2nd year Wright Arthur Cert ofM Physics 3rd year Hinks Edward Cert of 2nd year Wright Arthur Cert of Gitlord Alexander Harold Λ James John Jones Thomas Henry Cert of Holland Eardley Lancelot Ist year Drumiiiond Jamea Francis ί 0y jf Moutagu
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