Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 612
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608 PRIZE LIST FACULTY OF ARTS l&ecommett&eti for tfjc Cssortatts tp Aarons Solomon Asher Dowsett George William Elliott Fred Hendrie Charles James Radley Louis William Tasker Arthur Treharne David Harrison £cd 0lat 31 tpg anti IBxbtfuttong Modern History Nightingale Henry John Inglis English Language Nicholls Arthur Perry Special rtjes Jelf Medal General Merit Breiver Modern History Barry Divinity le Maistre English Essay Classical Professor's Ancient History German Professor's German Language and Literature Early English Text Society's Prize Anglo-Saxon Nightingale Henry John Smith Tom Herbert Nightingale Henry John Nightingale Henry John Harris Morris Hector Orler Herman Nicholls Arthur Perry Divinity 2nd year Clarke Edwin Gaskin Arthur William Cowling Ernest Nicholls Arthur Perry 1st year Cheshire Frederic Thomas ן George Cert fD Cert of Cert of Latin and Greek 2nd year Nicholls Arthur Perry Gaskin Arthur William King Louis Courtenay Dallas Occ Hawthorn Harold Edgar Harris Morris Hector Turner Ernest Arthur Cert of Cert ofM
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