Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 593
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NAMES OF ASSOCIATES 589 Elected Name Faculty of Dept 1880 Williams Dundas John Roberts Ev Classes 1869 Williams Eldred Cecil Theological 1890 Williams James Theological 1893 Williams James Theological 1874 Williams Thomas Vincent Theological 1896 Williams William Edgar Theological 1898 Williams Ralph Paul Medical 1893 Williamson Alfred Arthur Engineering 1885 Williamson Frederick Gen Lit 1877 Willis Julian Medical 1867 Willis Walter Ev Classes 189Q Wills Cuthbert Edwin Theological 1869 Willson Edward Nicholas Theological 1882 Wilson Alfred Longman Theological 1872 Wilson Henry Edward Ev Classes 1871 Wilson Robert Ev Classes 1871 Wilson William John App Sc 1867 Wiltshire Charles Palmer Bluett Gen Lit 1868 Wingate Joseph Lockwood Ev Classes 1880 Winn William App Sc 1867 Witt Samuel Turner Gen Lit 1867 Wollaston Thomas Gulston Medical 1884 Wolston Arthur Charles Reinhold Theological 1868 Wood Augustus Alfred Ev Classes 1869 Wood George Gen Lit 1873 Wood George William Ev Classes 1894 Wood John Medical 1875 Woodd John Henry Ī¤ Gen Lit 1875 Woodhead Henry Comber Theological 1891 Woodman Thomas Theological 1896 Woodruff Wallace Theological 1870 Woodward Alfred Medical 1879 Woolley George Herbert Theological 1894 Woolverton Arthur Wellesley Theological 1880 Wootton Ernest Theological 1885 Wordingnam Charles Henry App Sc 1896 Worne Oscar Theological 1896 Worsley Frederick William Theological 1882 Worster William James Theological 1876 Wright Alfred Ev Classes 1877 Wright Alfred Cecil Theological 1890 Wright Benjamin John Edward Medical 1886 Wvatt George Robert Medical 1884 Wyatt John Thomas Theological 1866 Wyndham Hugh Henry Wyndham Theological 1877 Wynn William Turner Ev Classes 1889 Yates Edward William Theological 1895 Yates Ernest Philip Selwyn Theological 1883 Youatt George Heanes Ev Classes 1893 Young John Fry Theological 1890 Zaldarriaga Hector App Sc 1898 Zeffert Isaac Arts
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