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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-580

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576 NAMES OF ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1885 Mackay James Bunyan Lillie Ev Classes 1884 Mackeson Henry Robert Theological 1889 Macnab Allan James Medical 1897 Macmorran Thomas Gordon Theological 1881 Macpherson William Charters Gen Lit 1880 Mais Charles Leslie App Sc 1894 Makovski Albert Waterlow Engineering 1899 Malbert Mark Theological 1867 Malins Joseph Edwards Theological 1897 Mallet Percy George Theological 1888 Manning Philip Percy Medical 1874 Mansell-MacCulloch William Medical 1890 Mansfield Joseph Charles Theological 1879 Manuel James Ev Classes 1872 Manuel Robert Ev Classes 1887 Mare Samuel Ev Classes 1868 Marley John William App Sc 1876 Marona Charles Antonio Ev Classes 1889 Marpole Edward Theological 1887 Marr Albert Frederick Ev Classes 1890 Marr Albert Frederick Theological 1894 Marris Stanley Punshon Theological 1892 Marsh Edmund Theological 1875 Marsh Frank App Sc 1984 Marsh Frank Medical 1869 Marshall Frederick Medical 1866 Marshall George Alexander Ev Classes 1889 Martin Edward John Ev Classes 1872 Martin Henry Robert Howells Ev Classes 1872 Marx John Peter William Gen Lit 1892 Mathias Edward Morgan Theological 1878 Matthews Valentine Medical 1867 Maughan Henry Ev Classes 1874 Maxted Charles Ε Classes 1895 May Francis William Theological 1888 May William Lupton Theological 1870 Mayhew Charles Henry י Medical 1886 Mayhew George James Theological 1877 Maylard Martin William App Sc 1882 McCarthy William Theological 1876 McCheane Henry Dalgety Theological 1883 McGachen Archibald Hew Theological 1882 McKechnie Alexander Theological 1895 McLeod Harold Hay Brodie Medical 1873 McLeod Ronald Fisher Theological 1873 McRae Charles Ev Classes 1894 McVarish Duncan Charles Theological 1887 Meacock Robert App Sc 1867 Mead Frederick Ev Classes 1887 Mead Herbert Rayment Theological 1866 Mears Thomas Lambert Ev Classes 1868 Medd George Tate Theological
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