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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-574

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570 NAMES OP ASSOCIATES Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1881 Greening Frederic Josephs Medical 1887 Greenwood Cecil Danforth Medical 1895 Greeves Arthur Wellesley Theological 1892 Gregory Thomas Kilner Ev Classes 1885 Gresham George Frederic Gen Lit 1881 Griffin Charles Ev Classes 1893 Griffiths Cecil Niel Medical 1895 Grigg Allan Dickson Engineering 1886 Grigson Francis Dixon Theological 1883 Grindle Henry Brohier Theological 1867 Grindle Walter Smith Theological 1868 Gristock Alfred Grabham Gen Lit 1895 Gross Charles Frederick Medical 1886 Grove John James Ev Classes 1875 Grubbe Hubert Henry App Sc 1878 Guiness Arthur Percy pp Sc 1887 Gulbenkian Calousto Leon App Sc 1891 Gunn Frank Medical 1882 Haines Willoughby Charles Theological 1866 Hake Thomas Gordon Theological 1868 Hake William Augustus Gordon Ev Classes 1894 Haldon Charles Cornelius Theological 1896 Hale Charles William Nat Science 1885 Hall Charles Rhodes Theological 1876 Hall Henry Armstrong Theological 1891 Hamilton Charles Joseph Ev Classes 1874 Hamlyn William Thomas Ev Classes 1873 Hammeniley William Ev Classes 1872 Hammick Murray Gen Lit 1886 Hammond Frederick John Theological 1882 Hammond Horace Theological 1869 Hammond James Gen Lit 1889 Hancock Alfred Arthur Theological 1866 Hancock John Ev Clas6es 1867 Hancock Richard Andrew Theological 1870 Hancock Walter Ev Classes 1879 Hancock William John Beck Theological 1880 Handfield-Jones George App Sc 1876 Hands Alfred Watson Theological 1879 Handyside Viney Robson Theological 1882 Hanna Samuel App Sc 1871 Hannum James Edward Theological 1884 Harding Alfred Arthur Gen Lit 1876 Harding Harry Reginald Ev Classes 1872 Harding Herbert William Ev Classes 1873 Harding John Charles Theological 1898 Harding Lewen John Theological 1892 Harding Norman Charles Theological 1896 Hards Albert John Theological 1897 Harre Alfred Thomas Theological 1885 Harris George Theological 1879 Harris George Samuel Ev Classes
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