Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 565
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NAMES OP ASSOCIATES 561 Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1897 Bodilly Reginald Thomas Hacker Medical 1886 Bodman George Ev Classes 1874 Bomford Gerald Medical 1869 Bomford Trevor The School 1S66 Bond Thomas Medical 1867 Bonella John Ev Classes- 1892 Bonnewell Henry Goodwin Theological 1883 Boobbyer Philip Medical 1880 Booth Edwin Henry Ev Classes 1875 Booth George John Ev Classes 1870 Borradaile Vincent Gawain Theological 1871 Borrodaile Ernest Theological 1889 Boswall Luther Theological 1879 Bothwell William Marnock Ev Classes 1897 Bousfield Arthur Medical 1897 Bousfield Arthur Theological 1886 Bouton Vincent Joseph App Sc 1885 Bowden John Kemp Ε Classes 1877 Bowler Henry Archer Ev Classes 1867 Boyd John Ewart Edwards Gen Lit 1870 Boylan John Dunn App Sc 1876 Boyton Frederick Richard Ev Classes 1883 Bradford Archibald Campbell Ev Classes 1880 Bradlev Cuthbert Edward App Sc 1866 Bradshawe Paris Medical 1891 Braga Joao Francesco Medical 1869 Brandreth William Theological 1887 Bratton James Allen Medical 1874 Brayn Richard Medical 1896 Bridges George Isaac Ev Classes 1871 Bridgland Henry Ev Classes 1888 Briggs Albert Edmund Theological 1871 Briggs George Chapman Medical 1893 Bright George Frederick Theological 1892 Bristow Charles Lyttleton Engineering 1866 Britten Thomas Candy Theological 1872 Brittle John Richard App Sc 1870 Broadhent Benjamin Gen Lit 1867 Bromehead John Nowill Theological 1869 Bromley Nathaniel Ev Classes 1873 Bromley Nathaniel Theological 1886 Brooks Frederick Richard Theological 1882 Brooks Walter Tyrrell Medical 1888 Brough Bertram Charles Ev Classes 1896 Brown Arthur Wood Payne Theological 1887 Brown Charles Sidney App Sc 1866 Brown George Arthur Medical 1895 Brown Herbert Radcliffe Engineering 1893 Brown Hugh Pierce Theological 1897 Brown Thomas Calvert Theological 1887 Browne Rupert Montague Theological 1882 Brunton Sydney Linton App Sc ν ν
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