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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-536

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532 NAMES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT PRINCIPALS AND STAFF OF KING'S COLLEGE LONDON The names of those now holding office are in Capitals $rinrtpal6 1831 William Otter 1868 Alfred Barry 1836 Hugh James Rose 1883 Henry Wace 1839 John Lonsdale 1897 ×™ Archibald Robertson 1844 Richard William Jelf DOGMATIC THEOLOGY Instruction formerly given by the Principal HEBREW AND THE EXEGESIS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Professors 1846 Alexander McCaul 1863 Stanley Leathes Lecturer 1863 Alexander Israel McCaul 1899 Alexander Nairne Afterwards Bishop of Chichester Late Prebendary of Chichester and Domestic Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury Afterwards Bisnop of Lichfield LateCanon of Christ Church Oxford Sub-Almoner to the Queen Fellow of Oriel College Oxford Late Bishop of Sydney Metropolitan of New South Wales and Primate of Australia formerly Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge Prebendary of St Paul's late Preacher of Lincoln's Inn Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen and Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury Rector of St Michael's Cornhill Late Principal of Bishop Hatfield's Hall Durham and Fellow of Trinity College Oxford This gentleman was styled Professor of 14 Divinity" from 1846 to 1853 Prebendary of St Paul's
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