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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-535

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COLLEGE SOCIETIES 531 The Instruction given in the Corps supplements that given in the Medical Schools and is of service both in student life and after commencing practice Recruits have to attend twelve drills and four lectures in First Aid and are then if sufficiently proficient passed into the ranks by the Officer com- manding the Company and receive their uniform and arms For information apply to Surgeon-Captain Valentine Matthews commanding No Company 22 Suffolk Street Pall Mall between 11 and or to the Adjutant at Head Quarters Calthorpe St Gray's Inn Road KING'S COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL CHEISTIAN UNION President Rev Robertson Vice-Presidents Rev Wace Carless Esq The objects of this Union which was formed in 1896 are to unite the Students of all Faculties in this College earnestly endeavouring to live Christian life and to hold meetings to promote the spread and deepening of that life Meetings are held each alternate Thursday in the Marsden Library at 15 and prayer meeting is held on the intervening Thursday at Room No 27 at 130 Students of all Faculties are invited to attend any of these meetings KING'S COLLEGE CIVIL SERVICE CLUB Students past and present desirous of joining the Club should write to the Honorary Secretary King's College Civil Service Club King's College London The Subscription-Is admits members to the Club Reading and Refreshment Room and to all Club Meetings for the year beginning with any period of any of the classes The Reading Room is liberally supplied with morning and evening newspapers weekly and monthly periodicals and reviews and is open every evening except Saturday from to 30
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