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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-528

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524 resident students 14 Smoking is strictly forbidden in Hall and on the Stair- cases and is not allowed in the Common Koom before 15 No ladies are admitted to College Rooms except by previous written permission from the Censor and with the written consent of the Student's Parent or Guardian 16 Students are required to attend Divine Service in the morning on both week-days and Sundays unless expressly exempted The hours of service are as follows Sundays -Holy Communion 30 Week-days -Morning Prayer 35 Students desirous of joining the Choir are requested to communicate with the Vice-Principal ρ 17 The Terrace is open to Resident Students up to Hall- time in winter and to in summer and the key maybe obtained from the Porter 18 Flower pots are not allowed in windows unless placed in boxes properly secured 19 Dogs are not allowed in College 20 The use of pistols and fireworks in College is strictly forbidden 21 No tradesman is allowed to enter College Rooms with- out special leave from the Censor 22 Students cannot remain in residence during the vacations without obtaining leave from the Censor The Hall and The Buttery Students are recommended to give notice to the Manciple beforehand when they propose entertaining friends in Hall and the charge for each friend is Is 9d On Wednesdays and Saturdays Students wishing for supper instead of dinner may have it brought to their rooms at o'clock by giving notice to the Manciple through their servants before o'clock in the day Special arrangements
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