Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 527
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RESIDENT STUDENTS 523 being incurred for every day of absence beyond the proper limit If student desires extension of his exeat he must ask leave from the Censor The College Gates are closed at 10 No Student may leave the College after that hour or return later than 12 without leave from the Censor Student who is absent whole night without permission is liable to be immediately dismissed Visitors to Students cannot remain in College after 11 at night The Gate Fines except in cases where leave to be out late has been granted by the Censor are as follows Between 11 and 11 30 11 30 and 12 After 12 o'clock fine of 28 6d is imposed and irregularity in the observance of these hours is liable to be treated as serious offence All College rules remain in force during vacation so far as they are applicable The Breakfast room is open from 30 to 10 after which time breakfasts cannot be served 10 Hall dinner is at 10 on weekdays and 30 on Sundays and holidays Students are required to be punc- tual at dinner and must not leave the Hall before grace is said except on special occasion and by permission of the High Table 11 Leave from the Censor is required for wine or supper-party and no such party may be continued after 12 No piano is to be played in College rooms after 11 12 Students who are prevented from attending Chapel Lectures or Classes are required to notify the fact imme- diately and the reason to the Censor 13 Resident Students are required to wear their Academical dress in Chapel in Hall and when calling on the Principal Vice-Principal or the Censor
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