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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-511

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Mineralogy 1883 ן 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1891 1892 1893 Anderson Robert Bruce ן Farquhar William Atkinson Claude William Heathcote Charles Francis Ranken Arthur William Carpenter George Herbert Virgoe Walter Harry Huntly George Nevill Adlard Howard Tindale Dixon Alfred Albert Beadnell Hugh John ן Greene Frank Arnold ceq ceq 1894 Fuller William John 1895 Merriman George ץ Frederick Maskelyne Bailey Robert William Harvey 1896 Robertson Frederick Steel Simpson Rich Christopher Beldam Ernest Asplan Benton Leopold ceq Charles 1899 Wartze Carl Wilmar 1898 barter Goto Jffle&al ants ψιίιζ for 230tanp This Prize was founded by the late George Redsull Carter Esquire for the purpose of encouraging the study of Botany It is open to Students of all Faculties of the College who have not exceeded three Academical Years from the begin- ning of their attendance The Prize consists of Gold Medal and Books of the joint value of about £15 The Prize is awarded for merit only at the annual Class Examination in Botany on the year's work held at the end of the Easter Term Candidates will be examined in the following subjects Morphological Histological Physiological and Classificatory Botany The Examination will be divided into two parts viz Morning 10 to -Written Afternoon to -Practical Names of Prizemen 1892 Williams Ralph Paul 1893 Escombe Fergusson 1894 Mott Charles Francis 1895 Gompertz Richard Henry Cyril 1897 De Morgan Frederick Filmer 1898 Lupton William Everard 1899 Drummond James Francis Montagu Prize only 1882 Carless Albert 1883 Gifford George Taylor 1884 Penny Jeremiah 1885 BaUeine Arthur Edward 1886 Cargill Lionel Vernon 1887 Savell Arthur Robert 1888 Fadelle Alfred 1889 Bryett WUliam Robert J891 Turner Philip
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