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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-508

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504 PRIZES Stephen ffrt for IBngltsft IBssag Sir George Stephen has presented to the College sum of Fifty Guineas which is invested in the Public Funds The Annual Interest is given in Books for the best English Essay on such subject as shall be fixed by the Principal This prize is open to all Matriculated Students of the C0U lege not being Associates and notbelongingto the Theological Faculty who have completed one Term and not exceeded uine Terms The Essay which must be type-written should be distil guished by some motto the Candidate at the same time sending his name and motto to the Secretary under sealed cover The date for the next competition is June 1900 Subject "The History of English Poetry in the XlXth Century Names of Prizemen 1866 Rebsch Charles Stulpnagel 1866 Grace Henry 1868 Perks Robert William 1869 Wood George 1870 Rat Joseph Nuraa Curry Matthew 1871 Jupp Herbert Basil 1873 Warren William 1875 Harrold Ernest Eyston 1876 Hobson Thomas Frederick 1877 Shaw George Watson 1879 Trewby Donald 1880 Panton Richard Brooke 1881 Macpherson William Charters 1882 Nash Percy Augustus 1883 Whittingham Walter Godfrey 1884 Sowerby Thomas Herbert 1885 Balleine Arthur Edwin 1886 Hendrick James 1887 Mathew Frank James 1889 Whittington Richard 1890 Pope Edward Valle 1891 Sargent Arthur John 1898 Zeffert Isaac Erefocr rt or fetorg The friends of the Rev John Sherren Brewer Μ Α late Professor of English Literature and Modern History have purchased the sum of £130 London and North Western Railway Four per Cent Stock for the purpose of founding Prize which shall bear his name The Annual Interest of £5 is given in books It is open only to Matriculated Students of this Faculty and
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