Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 471
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exhibitions and SCHOLARSHIPS 467 This Exhibition will be payable in three equal instal- ments during the Academical year next following the Easter Term in which the Examination is held but successful Candidate who is also Queen's Scholar will receive these payments during his 7th 8th and 9th terms The Payments will only be made provided the student continues in attendance as Matriculated Student and produces to the Secretary at the end of each Term Certifi- cate of good conduct and of satisfactory progress in his studies from the Dean of the Faculty and the Principal Φ fit ί י י Names of Sambrooke Exhibitioners 1882 Pryce George Henry 1883 Arnett Charles William Prescott Edward Jeakes James Malcolm Williamson Frederick 1885 McLean Alexander 1890 Scott Harold Claughton ''I י iSxfniuttons for draining Uttatfym in Serontiarg Schools Six Exhibitions of £15 each for one year are offered annually for competition to Students entering the Teachers' Training Course who in the opinion of the Examiners shall be duly qualified Each Exhibition will be renewed for second year on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Arts The next Examination will begin on October ugeleg Scholarships for riental Languages The Ouseley Scholarships of the Oriental School and the expenses connected with their administration are provided for by the annual produce of £5 000 stock and £100 cash which amounts were vested in the names of the Duke of Fife Lord Rosebery and Lord Herschell as Trustees by the Misses Ouseley in memory of their father the late Colonel Jasper Ouseley The Scholarships are to be given for proficiency in Arabic Persian Hindustani and other Oriental languages or in some or one of such languages native of India will gg2
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