Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 469
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EXHIBITIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 465 Boohs to he referred to Froude's History of England Creighton's Queen Elizabeth 1899 Longmans Gardiner's History of England and Civil War Prothero's Select Statutes and other Constitutional Documents Clarendon Press Gardiner's Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution ih Motley's Rise of the Dutch Republic D'Aumale Histoire des Princes de Condo Martin Histoire de France Hanotaux Histoire du Cardinal de Richelieu Scholarship for the English Language and Literature Morris Specimens of Early English Part Introduction and Extracts xi -xix Craik's English Prose Selections vol iii pages 317-616 Names of Scholars For the names of those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendar for 1865-6 Modern History 1866 1867 1868 1869 ceq 1873 1874 Bidder Gordon William Douglass Henry Charles Meeres Edward Gillon Henry 1870 Milner Alfred 1871 Arnold Fredk Sweet Taylor Leonard 1872 Finch Frederick Hammick Murray Groves Fowler Henry Harrold Ernest Eyston 1870 Shelverton Herbert Mario ceq Widnell Arthur Bennetts 1876 Hobson Thomas ן Frederick ceq Shaw George Watson 1877 Tweedy George Alfred ן Geary William Nevill 1878 Caspersz Arthur Alexander ceq Jackman Alfred Robert Farrar John Martindale Clarke John Michell Panton Richard Brooke Chapman John Blunt Herbert William ו Nash Percy Augustus Whittington Frederic Β Withers Harry Livingston Chappin James John Smith Harold English Language 1866 Douglass Henry Charlee 1867 Meeres Edward Dymock Thomas Graham Gillon Henry Beven Thomas 1868 1869 1870 1871 Milner Alfred 1872 Arnold Frederick Sweet 1873 Finch Frederick 1874 Hole Spencer Frederick 1875 Low Sidney James Mark 1876 Shelverton Herbert Marlow 1877 1878 Tweedy George Alfred Shaw George Watson Caspersz Arthur Alexander 1879 1880 ceq 1881 1882 1883 1884 ceq 1879 Saunders Thomas Bailey 1880 Brett Frank Arthur 1881 Blunt Herbert William 1882 Gee Richard Heron Withers Harry Livingston 1883 Hayward Walter Brainerd י Sowerby Thomas Herbert Gresham George Frederic 1884
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