Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 450
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446 FELLOWS י ד י γ י β ft Ύ ι י ί Ft 49 £ ν י ft Α 11 י י Τ ιΐτ β Ρ 71114 IMill ז Τ י י י י The Hon Sir Edmund Widdrington Byrne Knight formerly pupil of King1 College School and afterwards Student in the College Now one of the Justices of the High Court of Justice Member of Council Michael Beverley Edin 1866 formerly Student in the Medical Faculty Surgeon of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital Charles William Bourne Head Master of King's College School since 1889 י ן If ן ן Francis Jeffrey Bell for 17 years Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology Robert Frederick Harcourt late Lecturer and for 16 years Head of the Women's Classes Civil Service Department Malcolm Macdonald McHardy Edin Professor of Ophthalmology at King's College London Alexander Symonds Kenny formerly Student of the Medical Faculty and for 16 years Demon- strator of Anatomy Somerset Edward Pennefather Dublin Hon Aberdeen 1867 formerly Student of King's College Hon Canon of Newcastle and Vicar of Kensing- ton Member of Council £ mn '4 י ft Β Λ י ι lir aiioO vio ledinoM 1898 JO Ά 71 In James Howard Thornton London Surgeon-General retired 1855 Formerly Student in the Medical Faculty of King's College London Walter Charleton Hughes Inst Fellow of the University of Bombay Member of the Council of the Governor of Bombay for making Laws and Regulations Formerly Secretary to the Bombay Government in the
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