Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 447
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FALLOWS Robert Etheridge formerly Assistant Keeper of the Geological Department of the British Museum in acknowledgment of his valuable and generous services in arranging the collection of Fossils belonging to the College Francis Ysidor Edgeworth for ten years Professor of Political Economy and Tooke Professor of Economic Science Now Drummond Professor of Political llf וי' ι £1 ו wi Γ it 1ΓίΟ1 V' Vי Mi Economy Oxford The Right Honourable James William Lowther formerly Student late Member of Council formerly fourth Charity Commissioner now Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons and Chairman of Committees John Wogan Festing formerly pupil of the School Mm PC ι λ Ο ι ι ν ι ί ι ι ι Γλ Τ Γ' Γ 'I'll י II ι ι 11 Γ ι ι Lord Bishop of St Albans ί ο ι ι י j- י yj ζ י י י cc י 1892 The Right Honourable Joseph Lister Baron Lister for fifteen years Professor of Clinical Surgery Emeritus Professor and Consulting Surgeon and Member of Council Surgeon Extraordinary to the Queen President of the Royal Society Thomas Bond Sc formerly Student Surgeon to the Metropolitan Police Senior Surgeon Westminster Hospital George Edward Saintsbury formerly pupil of the School Now Professor of Rhetoric and English Litera ture in the University of Edinburgh י l1 ha1 otto י י α ί τ James Shearer WhichElow formerly Student now Chaplain to the Bishop of Bedford and Rural Dean of Spitalfields
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