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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-432

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428 LIST OP FELLOWS Dat4 of EUetion 1895 Miller Mrs Agnes 1855 Miller Prof William Allen 1881 Milne Prof John 1879 Milner 8ir Alfred 1890 Moriarty Lewis Martin 1875 Morley Henry 1861 Moseley Andrew 1850 Moseley Rev Henry 1894 Naville Edward Henry Phil 1858 Nicolay Charles Grenfell 1874 Nixon John Edward 1875 Parker William Titchen 1861 Partridge 8amuel Bowen CLE 1855 Pearson Charles Henry 1897 Pennefather Rev Somerset Edward 1878 Perrin John Beswick Pirbright Lord See de Worms 1895 Playfair Prof William Smoult LL 1850 Plumptre Rev Edward Hayes 1849 Powles Richard Cowley 1885 Preece William Henry Inst 1877 Priestley Sir William Overend 1893 Pritchard Prof Urban 1887 Proctor Rev Francis Bartlett 1873 Proctor Richard Anthony 1851 Raven Rev Vincent 1874 Robertson Rev Canon James Craigie 1899 Robertson Rev Archibald 1884 Robinson Prof Henry Inst 1850 Rogers James Edwin Thorold Rogers Rev 1878 Rollit Sir Albert Kaye LL Β Α 1888 Rose Prof William 1856 Royle Prof John Forbes 1873 Rumsey Rev James St Albans Bishop of See Festing 1692 Saintsbury George Edward 1876 Salter Dr Samuel James Augustus 1887 Sansom Arthur Ernest 1849 Sargent Sir Charles 1895 Saunders Thomas Bailey 1858 Schilling George 1899 Serocold Charles Pearce 1849 Shaw Benjamin 1686 Shelford Leonard Edmund 1899 Shuttle worth Rev Henry Cary 1671 Shelley Charles Percy Bysshe 1849 Simon 8ir John Κ 1863 Smalley George Robarte Di0 a$e4
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