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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-420

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416 Civil Service department Taylor Hancock Kell Weighell Grieve Field Blackmore Lofthouse Ledger McCarthy Passmore Ewen Hoppett Oliver Fisher Dudley Gardner Yeatts Matthew Dowden Ayton Winfield Hamblin Bartholomew Gilmour Thomson Scovell Gooseman In Limited 43 of 61 Dey Nunns Christian Churchill Tilley Langford Brimelow Davis Hall Tilke Gooding Westoby Lee Davis Η Read Imrie Dam Peirce Gray Hall Barber Turner Tottingham Ε Dovey Tinniswood Blackwell Τ Harrison Austin Whayman Adams Scott Pitcher Η Sampson Rudd McRitche Hughes Tyack Gall Shipway Comyn Algar Pedder Wilson The following 33 were afterwards placed on the successful list making 148 King's College Students successful on the result of the June 1898 Examination Barnes Brown Bryant Ε Cotsell Cowell Davies Η Denholm Fowell Gardiner Garrard Gosden Gould Green Gutridge Hall Harding Jones Keen Kelham Maynard Mountford Nunn Noiinan Pope Raison Roney Sanson Sladden Thompson Williams Winter Walshe Wallace Competition for One Hundred and Fifty Appointments April 1899 Ninety-seven appointments including first four places in the Open and first two in the Limited In open Morrison Middleton Monk Pearman Rice Burns Lyel Simmonds White Butler Biddle Williams Malpas Mullan Miller Elias Chatfield Η Lift Adams Webb
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