Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 416
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412 CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT It is expected that all Girl Clerks with few exceptions will become Woman Clerks after years' service It must be pointed out that the authorities intended ultimately to fill all Woman Clerkships iu the Savings Bank where the majority of Woman Clerks are employed by the promotion of Girl Clerks If this intention be carried out the total number of direct appointments to Woman Clerkships will by and by be greatly diminished This seems to suggest that the safer way to obtain Woman Clerkship is through the Girl Clerkship At present the Girl Clerkship is difficult to obtain whilst it is comparitively easy to obtain the Learnership Some whose education is limited aim at Girl Clerkship and fail to get it who could have easily obtain Learnership KING'S COLLEGE CIVIL SERVICE CLUB MALE Students past and present of the Civil Service Depart- ment desirous of joining the Club should apply to the Honorary Secretary King's College Civil Service Club Male King's College London The subscription-2s 667 triennially-admits members to the Club Reading and Refreshment Room to certain Boat- ing privileges to the College Gymnasium to the Annual Conversazione and to all other Club Functions The Reading Room is liberally supplied with morning and evening newspapers weekly and monthly periodicals and reviews and is open every evening except Saturday from to 30 KING'S CIVIL SERVICE CLUB FEMALE Students past and present desirous of joining the Club should apply to the Honorary Secretaries King's College Civil Service Club Female King's College London The Subscription-2s year admits members to all the Functions of the Club including Soiroe Conversazione Dance Debates to the Club Reading Room and on small further payment to the Gymnasium and Choral Society
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