Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 415
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CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT 411 Sorters with 40 rising to 21s 6rf per week See Female Sorters below Female Telegraph Learners -15-18 unmarried and in District Offices ft in height -Writing Orthography Arithmetic Composition Geography Hours per day May 1899 145 16 with 1st 5th 8th 13th December 1898 100 13 May 1898 70 December 1897 85 10 May 1897 100 ן Docember 1896 170 18 with lst 5th and 7th י Salaries -No pay during instruction months in Central in District Offices 2nd Class 10s 12s 14s in 1st year 15s 6d on reaching 19 17s rising by Is 667 per week per year to 28s lst Class 30s -Is Gd -38s Assistant Super- visors 100-5-120 and 120-6-160 Supervisors 160-8 -200 Female Sorters -15-18 unmarried and ft 10 in in height -Writing Orthography Arithmetic lst rules simple and comp Geography of United Kingdom Hours per day April 1899 55 October 1898 35 April 1898 40 October 1897 40 April 1897 40 October 1896 20 Salaries -2nd Class lst years 12s 13s 14s then rising Is 6d per week per year to 21s 6d lst Class 23s -Is Qd -30s OBSERVATIONS ON THE ABOVE Persons who have served two years in the Civil Service can deduct their service but not more than five years from their age in competitions for other branches The prospects of Learner are better than those of Sorter and the work she has done to obtain her appoint- ment is larger part of that required for Clerkship But her office work is generally harder Many Sorters and Learners gain Clerkships FEMALE APPOINTMENTS Girl Clerks can compete for Woman Clerkships at 18 Many thus become Woman Clerks before serving years
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