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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-409

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CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT 405 Student Interpreterships -Subjects Obligatory Handwriting and Orthography Arithmetic Eng Hsh Composition Optional Precis Geography Euclid Latin French German Elements of Mercantile and Criminal Law The salary of Student Interpreters commences £200 year Assistant Surveyorships of Taxes Subjects Arithmetic English Composition including Ortho- graphy and Handwriting Geography Book-keep- ing French German or Latin Euclid Algebra Political Economy Salaries £100-£600 Junior Appointments in the Supply and Accounting Departments of the Admiralty -Subjects Obli- gatory Mathematics Latin French or German English Composition Geography Optional Two of the following Advanced Mathematics German or French Greek English History Chemistry and Heat Physics Physiography and Geology Clerkships in Supreme Court of Judicature Eng- land and High Court ot Justice Ireland British Museum Assistantships Assistant Examinerships in Patent Office Metropolitan Police Court Clerk- ships Foreign Office Clerkships Factory Inspector- ships &c Clerkships in Banks appointments filled by nomination and examination and other Lower Examinations for which there are no special classes at King College London County Council Clerkships Age 18 to 23 -Obligatory Subjects Handwriting 150 Or- thography 150 English Composition 150 Arith- metic 200 Comp Addition 100 Geography 100 Shorthand or Bookkeeping 150 Optional Sub-
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