Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 407
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GtVIL SERVICE department 403 58 Feb 1898 120 59 July 1897 80 34 Feb 1897 25 14 Salaries -Boy Copyists 145 per week increasing is per week per year Assistant Clerks 55-150 Male Sorters in Post Office-18 21 Writing Orthography Arithmetic Composition Geography Hours per day partly in early morning and partly in evening Sep 1899 70 May 1898 40 Feb 1898 67 11 Salaries -185 per week till 19 and competent then 52- 6-160 observations on the above Persons who have served years in the Civil Service can deduct their service not more than years from their age in competitions for other branches Those aiming at 2nd Division Clerkship should if possible give all their time to their preparation But Boy Copyistship may be taken by those who are sufficiently advanced to rely on evening work large proportion of those who now take Boy Copyistships have no chance of obtaining anything better than an Assistant Clerkship Male Learners are on the Post Office Establishment and besides being able to compete for 2nd Division Clerkships and Excise Appointments are eligible for Post Office Clerk- ships DIVISION II HIGHER CIVIL SERVICE NAVY ARMY AND OTHER EXAMINATIONS Lecturer comyn Barrister-at-Law Assistant Lecturers Jarratt Cantab Marechal Paris Hobbs Preece Biden London General arrangements of Sections Α Division II In this Division all the Students receive individual at- tention
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