Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 400
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396 ι CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT Application for Admission -This should be made if pos- sible not less than ten days before the first day of the term on form which can be had on application Entrance Examination -On receipt of the application for admission the date of the Entrance Examination will be sent it is usually the Friday or Saturday preceding the opening of the term The object of this Examination is to enable us to place pupils at once in the most suitable classes for the different subjects On receipt of the appli- cation for admission information is also given as to payment of fees books scationery &c Books These depend on Student's Classes for the different subjects and are supplied on entrance at the School discount of from 2d to 3d in the shilling being allowed Cost from £1 to £1 66 if all are supplied with 55 stationery deposit Notice to Withdraw -This must be given not less than two weeks before the end of term or one-half the fees for the next term must be paid Communications to be addressed to Mr Braginton King's College London where Mr Braginton or Mr Hinks can be seen any morning during the term except Saturday from 30 to 10 30 or later by appointment EVENING CLASSES Lecturers Braginton Cantab Hinks Midlane Cantab Macleod Assistant Lecturers Η Walker Cripps Dale Canter For Fees Days and Times of ttendance see 400 For Particulars of Appointments seep 401 General Arrangements of Evening Classes Division Times for beginning -Courses begin few weeks after each Examination and continue until the next Examination They are divided into 1eriods of about 10 weeks There is
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