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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-358

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354 department FOR ladies COMPOSITION FEES יי י ο For Students preparing for the Degrees of the London University the following Composition Fees have been arranged £ Matriculation all necessary Classes 'per Term 10 10 Intermediate Pass 12 12 לו י Pass יל יל יל 12 12 Intermediate Sc 16 16 Final Sc Pass 16 16 י י י HONOURS ן וון ו י י Lectures for Honours are paid for as separate Lectures Payments will be received and Cards of Admission issued by the Vice-Principal in answer to application by letter enclosing fees or on personal application at 13 Kensington Square on the Thursday and Friday before the beginning of each Term and on every day during Term time except Saturday between 10 and o'clock Cheques are to be made payable to Miss Lilian Faithfull and crossed London and County Bank HOUSE OF RESIDENCE College Students are received at' the Residence during Term Time at charges varying from 60 to 70 guineas year according to the room occupied and the length of time for which it is required FEES FOR CLUBS AND SOCIETIES The King's College Guild Associate's-subscription 5s year £ Bicycling Club per Term Boating Club Dramatic Club Hockey Club per Season 76 Literary and Debating Society Tennis Club per Season
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