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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-351

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Page content

Department ροκ ladies 347 LECTURES ON ARTISTIC ANATOMY Elementary Course of Lectures recommended to all Students Studying Drawing PROFESSOR ALBERT HOLDEN Michaelmas Term Tuesday beginning October 24 Bones of the Human Body II The Muscular System Head and Trunk III Upper limb IV Lower limb Drawing the Figure Proper proportions VI Actions and Expressions demonstrated Text-Book Artistic Anatomy Dr Fan LECTURES ON PERSPECTIVE REX VICAT COLE Exhibitor Royal Academy i£ Perspective and its Use in Sketching from Nature Michaelmas Term Wednesday beginning November 15 Perspective Law for level objects II Its application to buildings roads rivers &c III Perspective Law of the height and width of objects IV As applied to figures the sky avenues fences &c Perspective Law for inclined surfaces VI And its application to streets streams roads &c
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