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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-350

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34 נ DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES LANDSCAPE FAINTING EX VICAT COLE Γλ יי φ י Exhibitor Royal Academy Institute of Painters iii Water-Colours LEONARD 11 POWNALL Medallist Royal Academy 11 Hon Visitor DAVID MURRAY The Studio is open from 10 till daily during Term except Saturdays Instruction is given in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms oh Tuesday Wednesday and Friday 10 -12 30 and in the Easter Term on Tuesday and Thursday 10 12 30 The method of instruction in the Studio is arranged for teaching Drawing and Painting preparatory to Landscape Painting out of doors The instruction under the super- vision of Mr avid Murray who has kindly con sented to visit the school during the Winter Terms The work indoors consists of Drawing from branches of trees casts of plants and painting from still life fruit &c Perspective In the Summer vacation the Class is held in the Country for month's work out of doors and instruction given for eight hours daily The work done will be criticised by the Hon Visitor and prizes awarded during the winter terms See Special Circular of out-door Class Prizes and Certificates are offered annually All Materials can be obtained in the Studio
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