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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-341

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DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 337 ZOOLOGY AND ANIMAL BIOLOGY PEYTON Τ BEALE Monday 2-4 Wednesday 10-12 noon Facilities will be given for Students to work in the labora- tory at least five hours week Elements of General Morphology and Physiology Structure and life-history of Amoeba and Vorticella Structure and life-history of Hydra Structure and life-history of Lumbricus Structure and life-history of Astacus Structure and life-history of Anodon Morphology and Physiology of the Vertebrata as illus- trated by the structure and life-history of Amphioxus Scyllium Rana and Lepus with special reference to their tegumentary and skeletal systems and to the anatomy of their digestive circulatory respiratory excretory nervous and reproductive organs The organs of special sense Minute structure of cells and tissues in Rana and Lepus including epithelia blood lymph nerve muscle connective tissue fat cartilage and bone Development of tissues from embryonic cells Embryology-Nature and origin of Ova and Spermatozoa -Fertilisation segmentation formation of germ layers in Lumbricus Amphioxus Frog Chick and Rabbit-Coelom- Notochord-Visceral Arches and Slits-Development of Blood Vessels-Amnion-Allantois-Placenta-Origin of the important Organs Students attending this Course must also attend the Course of Histology Subjects prescribed for Matriculation London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Honours London 1Q00 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Final Pass London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Final Pass Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Honours London 1900 Υ
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