Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 339
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DEPARTMENT tfOR LADIES 335 י GEOLOGY PROFESSOR SEELEY Michaelmas and Lent Terms Tuesday 10 The History of Old British Land Surfaces The history of successive land surfaces which have occupied the British area in Geological Time with illustra- tions of the predominant types of plants and animals which lived and became extinct on the land during the Primary Secondary and Tertiary Epochs There will be two excursions in the Easter Term of which notice will be given 1γ PHYSIOLOGY PEYTON Τ BEALE FR CS Demonstrator of Histology and Lecturer on Biology in King's College London Assistant Surgeon to King's College Hospital Monday 10 -1 Lecture and Practical Work The Course will extend over four terms The subject for each term will be made as independent as possible and can be attended separately The work for the next two terms will be contained in the syllabus 1900-1901 י Λ it 19 ן' ft Λ י Michaelmas Term Food Stuffs-The Various Articles of Food-Their Uses Diets-Digestion-Structure and Uses of the Parts of the Digestive Tract in Man and in the Lower Animals-The Teeth their Structure-The Digestive Juices-Ferments and their Mode of Action-The changes brought about in Food Stuffs by the Action of Ferments-The Chemical Tests used in the Identification of Proteids and Carbohydrates 11 Subjects prescribed for Matriculation London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Honours London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Final Pass London 1900 ף Subjects prescribed for Final Pass Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Honours London 1900
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