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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-329

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department for ladies Higher Class 325 Wednesday 12 noon Syntax and Idioms of the Spanish Language Translation from Spanish into English and vice versa Dictation and Conversation Boohs recommended del Mar's "Grammar of the Spanish Language" last edition Holtze's Pocket Dictionary of the English and Spanish Languages David Nutt kopes and Bensley Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages Hossfeld's "Spanish Composition and Idioms Pepita Jimenez by Juan Valera atbematic0 DALE Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics at King's College ARITHMETIC Michaelmas Term Monday knowledge of the elements of the subject including the use of vulgar and decimal fractions will be assumed Text-Book Barnard Smith and Hudson Arithmetic for Schools Subjects prescribed for Matriculation London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Honours London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Final Pass London 1900 ןך Subjects prescribed for Final Pass Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Honours London 1900
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