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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-325

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DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 321 Some of the prescribed text-books will be read at the class and the others under the direction of the Professor who will set questions on their general contents The portion of the History of German Literature required for the University Examinations will be fully treated in the Literature Lectures delivered on Fridays at noon LITERATURE PROFESSOR BUCHHEIM Ph Hon Oxon Friday 12 noon The Lectures will be delivered in German The Professor will receive German resumes of his Lectures jjv and return them corrected It will be desirable that the students should make them- selves acquainted beforehand either in German or in trans- lations with the works to be treated in the Lectures The most striking passages of the principal works will be read aloud either by the Professor himself or by the students who may desire to do so Michaelmas Term 11 זי i" Ubersicht der ersten Blutezeit der deutschen Litteratur- Meistergesang-Reformation und Renaissance Die moderne Klassische Litteratur 1770-1832 Klopstock als Epiker und Lyrischer Dichter Messias Oden Wielands satirische Erzahlungen und romantische Hel- dengedichte Die Abderiten Oberon Lessing der Reformator der deutschen Nationallitteratur als Kritiker und Dramatiker Laokoon Hamburgische Dramaturgic- IT Minna von Barnhelm Emilia Galotti Nathan der Weise -The books marked ffl have been issued by Prof Buchheim with Intro- duction and Notes in the Clarendon Press Series Subjects prescribed for Matriculation London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Honours London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Pinal Pass Β Α London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Final Pass Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Honours London 1900
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