Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 316
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312 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES MISS LEE Monday 11 beginning the Second week in each Term Michaelmas Term Chaucer and his Successors State of England in Chaucer's Time-Life and Surround- dings -Periods of Authorship-French Italian and English Influences on Chaucer-Works of doubtful Authenticity- Genuine Works Discussed-The Canterbury Tales as illus- trative of Medieval Life and Thought-Chaucer's Treatment of his Material-Why was Chaucer not Dramatist Style and Metre Works and Position of Gower Occleve Lydgate and other English and Scotch Poets of the Fifteenth Century י Lent Term Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Prose Introductory Sketch Groups of Prose-writers considered as follows -Historians Critics Theologians Essayists Travellers Philosophers Story-tellers Concluding Lecture on varieties of Prose Style and general tendencies and developments of Prose during this period Easter Term Seventeenth Century Poetry ויי Ρ יי The Elizabethan Decadence-Metaphysical Poets or later Euphuists-Donne Vaughan Crashaw Marvell Herbert Cowley-Cavalier Song-writers--Lovelace Herrick Carew Suckling Milton's Life and Position-Influences on his Work-Classical Italian English-his Poetical Ideals The Early Poems Development of Milton's Puritanism traced in them Growth of the Epic-Paradise Lost-its Subject Style and Treatment Summary and Conclusion
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