Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 315
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Page content
department for ladies 311 Balance and Proportion-The Choice of Words-The Arrangement of Words-Common Defects in Literary Style-Slovenliness Obscurity Affectation and Mannerism DifEuseness Rhetoric LITERATURE MISS 11 Mo FAITHFULL Tuesday 12 noon beginning the Second week in each Term Michaelmas Term The Romantic Drama before and after Shakespeare The Earliest Attempts at Dramatic Representations in Eng- land-Mystery and Miracle Plays-Moralities-Interludes- Chronicle Plays-The General Characteristics of the Romantic Drama National Many-sided Complex Free from Re- straints-Comparison of the Romantic and the Greek Drama- The Immediate Predecessors and Contemporaries of Shakes- peare Marlowe Ben Jonson Chapman Beaumont and Fletcher Webster-Decline of the Romantic Drama Lent Term Studies of Some of Shakespeare's Plays King John-Cymbeline-Macbeth-Much Ado About Nothing-Midsummer Night's Dream Easter Term Non-Dramatic Poetry of the Sixteenth Century Introductory-Features of the Period Political Social and Religious-Foreign Influence on English Literature- Miscellanies-Spenser-Shepherd's Calendar-Faerie Queene -Sidney's Arcadia-Sonnets of Shakespeare Sidney and Spenser-Lyrics of the Elizabethan Dramatists-Satires -A Special Course will be held if required for the study of books prescribed for the Intermediate Subjects prescribed for Matriculation London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Honours London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Intermediate Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Final Pass London 1900 ί" Subjects prescribed for Final Pass Sc London 1900 Subjects prescribed for Honours London 1900 ו
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