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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-314

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310 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES lenQlieb Xan0ua0e an& literature OLD ENGLISH MISS LEE Lecturer and Tutor in English Language and Literature in Oxford Monday 12 noon beginning the Second week in each Term Michaelmas Term Class will be held for the further study of Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader -Special arrangements can be made for students wish- ing to begin the study of Anglo-Saxon Lent and Easter Terms Class will be held for the study of Beowulf MIDDLE ENGLISH MISS LEE Monday beginning the Second week in each Term Lent Term Class will be held for the study of Middle English Grammar and Philology with special attention to the text of King Horn Easter Term Class will be held for the study of the text of Piers Plowman PROSE STYLE AND COMPOSITION MISS FAITHFULL Vice-Principal of King's College Ladies' Department Michaelmas Term Thursday beginning the second week of Term The Value and Influence of Style in Literature -Views of various Authorities on Style -History of the Development of Prose Style in England with reference to Special Authors -Some Principles of Prose Composition -Suitability of Style to Subject Matter -Lucidity Precision Simplicity
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