Calendar: 1899-1900 Page 312
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Page content
308 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES IV The Earlier Schoolmen Sects and Heresies VI St Dominic and St Francis VII The Mendicant Orders and the Later Schoolmen VIII Boniface VIII Easter Term The Middle Ages in their Decline The Popes at Avignon II The Great Councils Pisa Constance Basle III John Huss ן IV The German Mystics Christian Poetry Dante VI Christian Art VII The Revival of Learning VIII The Eve of the Reformation י ί CONTINENTAL HISTORY PROFESSOR Κ LAUGHTON Tuesday 10 Michaelmas Term France at the Death of Charles IV -The so-called Salic 11 נ Ι IVU 9tit Law and accession of Philip VI -His aggressive policy- War with England-Defeat pestilence and rebellion- Treaty of Bretigny-Renewal of the War to the great dis- advantage of Eugland-The Empire-Spain-The Papacy Lent Term Charles VI le Bien-aimo מ-Burgundians and Armag- nacs-Renewed War with England-Henry VI of England crowned King of France-Jeanne d'Arc-Continuation of the War-The English driven out of France-The Great Schism Easter Term Louis XL-League of the Public Good-Charles "le Tomoraire "-Burgundy and France-Burgundy and Switzer-
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