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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-308

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304 DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES Analogy Hypothesis Uses of imagination Reference Mill Bk III xx pp 332 Full scientific method Reference Mill Part III xi Jevons xxx Natural laws Empirical laws Explanation and Description Reference Mill Bk III xii xiv sections iv Classification Abstraction Approximate generaliza- tions Evidence Reference Mill Bk III xxiii and xxv Bk IV ii 10 Language Reference Jevons iv vi xxxiii Text-Books Jevons' Lessons in Logic" Macmillan 3s Gd Millf8 44 Logic" Longman 3s 6d Books of Reference Jevons' Principles of Science" 12s 6d Venn's 44 Empirical Logic 18s 0d PSYCHOLOGY MISS Î’ MEYER Michaelmas and Lent Terms Friday 12 noon The following Subjects will bo dealt with- The claim of Psychology to be an empirical Science -The Assumption on which it is Based -The Relations between Body and Mind -Consciousness and Un-Consciousness The Tri Partite Division of the Mind "-The Laws of the Associations of Ideas -44 The Unity of Consciousness Intending Students are recommended to make themselves familiar with James' 44 Text Book of Psycho- logy" Macmillan Co price 8s before the beginning of the Course Care will be taken that every topic named in the corres- ponding Syllabuses of the University of London receives treatment in the case of Students preparing for its Examin- ations
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